1000 Stories Bourbon Barrel Aged California Cabernet 2021

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MSRP: $23.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
This rich, full-flavored 1000 Stories Bourbon Barrel Aged California Cabernet expresses a pioneering spirit along with signature bourbon barrel notes of charred vanilla and dried herbs. Each lot began its journey in traditional French and American oak wine barrels. Then, in true 1000 Stories fashion, winemaker Bob Blue finished a small portion of the wine in used bourbon barrels, with the balance aged in neutral bourbon barrels. The result is a definitive 1000 Stories wine: layered and complex, with classic Cabernet flavors of cherries and currant, underscored by a nuanced thread of graphite. The unique barrel aging process gives 1000 Stories Bourbon Barrel Aged California Cabernet its hints of burnt sugar, vanilla, dried herbs, and even a touch of smokiness
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