12 Bottle Case Abbazia di Novacella Kerner Alto Adige 2023 Rated 91VM w/ Shipping Included

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VinoUS Media Review
Rated 91
The 2023 Kerner is delicately floral in the glass, with a whiff of sweet spice and candied lime forming its bouquet. This is built on energy with vibrant acidity and a combination of saline minerals and tart citrus, adding a zesty character throughout. The 2023 reverberates with tension through the long and cheekpuckering finale with hints of chamomile and lemon zest. Drinking Window 2024-2027. (Eric Guido on December 2023)

Wine Tasting Notes
Abbazia di Novacella Kerner Alto Adige is an aromatic white wine which has become a speciality of the Eisack Valley: pale straw yellow with green reflections, apple and peach fruit on the nose with a hint of mango, ripe and full on the palate, its opulence cut by crisp acidity.
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