Absolut Mandrin Swedish Grain Vodka 1.75L Rated 90-95

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MSRP: $39.99
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The nose leaps from the glass in sweet/sour waves of ripe orange and orange hard candy. The last whiff shows staying power as the orange perfume is every bit as vivid and alluring as in the first inhalation. The mouth remains true to the good bouquet as both the palate entry and the midpalate burst with ripe juicy orange flavor. The finish is long, citrusy acidic and pleasing.(Wine Enthusiast)Rated 89Clear. Intense, sweet clementine/tropical, perfumed aromas. Soft, rounded texture. Moderately lush and fruity mouthfeel gives way to a bold, mineral and grain accented palate. Quite aggressive, yet well structured with a clean razor sharp finish.(tastings.com)

80 Proof Vodka

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