Agara Craft Wakayama Sansho Japanese Ale 330ml

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Agara Craft Wakayama Sansho Japanese Ale

Product Description

Agara Craft Wakayama Sansho Japanese Ale is a distinctive and aromatic beer that highlights the unique flavors of sansho, a Japanese pepper. This ale offers a harmonious blend of spice and crispness, making it a delightful choice for beer enthusiasts.

  • Aroma: Opens with enticing aromas of sansho pepper, complemented by subtle notes of malt and citrus.
  • Palate: Light and refreshing, featuring flavors of sansho spice, lemon, and a touch of sweetness, balanced by a mild hop bitterness.
  • Finish: Clean and crisp, with lingering notes of spice and a slight tartness.

Varietal Composition and ABV

  • Varietal Composition: Blend of malted barley, sansho pepper, and hops
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.5%

Food Pairings

This Japanese ale pairs wonderfully with seafood, grilled meats, Asian cuisine, and light appetizers. Its spicy and refreshing profile enhances the flavors of various dishes, making it a versatile beer for different culinary experiences.

About Agara Craft

Agara Craft is committed to producing high-quality craft beers that reflect the unique flavors and culture of Wakayama, Japan. Utilizing traditional brewing methods and locally sourced ingredients, Agara Craft creates exceptional beers that offer a true taste of Japan's rich brewing heritage.

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