Antiquum Farm Passiflora Willamette Pinot Noir Oregon 2021

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Wine Tasting Notes
Antiquum Farm Passiflora Willamette Pinot Noir confounds many pinotphiles. Inky almost syrah-like color leads one to assume Passiflora will be an overly lush alcohol bomb. However, the nose unleashes an aromatic dervish of tropical passionfruit, peach, apricot, floral, and countering deep lush ripe bramble fruit and blueberry. On the palate, this wine continues its assault on your conceptions of what pinot noir is and isn't. Opulent blue fruit tones swirl among singing hi-toned acidity. This wine is both beamingly bright and darkly powerful in the same moment without feeling disjointed. The tension is absolutely electric. This wine will cellar for many years to come.
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