AsomBroso Reposado Tequila 750ml

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Crafted from our El Platino, our "La Rosa" is a AsomBroso Reposado Tequila like no other and was awarded "Gold Medal" by Tasting Panel magazine. Once a final filtration is completed, the tequila is then "rested" (reposado) for 3 months in previously used French oak casks, and is the first Bordeaux wine barrel-rested tequila in the world. The Bordeaux resting imparts the natural pink color and gives the reposado a subtly sweet finish. The result is an unparalleled experience in taste.

The nose is sweet and delightfully fragrant. Aeration brings out the complex characteristics of a fine vintage Bordeaux. Notes are cherry, vanilla and mild oak.

80 Proof
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