Avrae The Spirit of Belle Glos California Brandy 750ml

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MSRP: $74.99
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Avrae The Spirit of Belle Glos California Brandy 750ml

Tasting Notes:
This brandy offers rich aromas of dried fruits, vanilla, and warm spices. On the palate, it is smooth and complex, with flavors of caramel, toasted oak, and a hint of sweetness, leading to a long, elegant finish.

Varietal Composition: Made from a blend of California grapes, carefully distilled and aged.

ABV: 96 Proof (48% ABV)

Food Pairings: Pairs beautifully with rich desserts, chocolate, or enjoyed as a digestif.

About the Winery:
Belle Glos is renowned for its dedication to crafting premium wines, and this brandy is a testament to their commitment to quality and tradition. The brandy reflects the same craftsmanship and attention to detail that Belle Glos wines are known for.

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