Baker's 13 Year Old Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Named after Baker Beam, grandnephew of the legendary Jim Beam, Baker's Bourbon honors the family's long history and love for distilling. Baker's bourbon is distilled to a lower proof and barreled and aged for a minimum of 7 years, allowing the bourbon to pull more toasted nut, fruit, and vanilla flavor from the barrel wood. In October 2019, Baker's bourbon released Baker's 13, a limited edition bottling of special 13-year single barrel liquid, bottled at 107 proof. This extra-aged expression explores how time and location in the warehouse drives distinction from barrel to barrel. The notes of every barrel of Baker's offer a unique tasting journey, the 13-year Baker's is medium bodied with flavors of oak, toasted nuts and vanilla. The finish is robust, medium long and warmly rounded.

107 Proof

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