12 Bottle Case Bell Cellars Sierra Foothills Syrah 2020 w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $521.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
Bell Cellars Sierra Foothills Syrah exhibits wonderful varietal character. Deep ruby in color with spicy, peppery fruit aromas, the wine has good acidity, with a rich, luscious mouthfeel and soft, elegant tannins. The oak flavors are in balance with the fruit acidity and fruit flavor to yield an appealing wine, bright on the palate, with great depth and concentration. Often described by our guests as "yummy," this delicious wine is a nice alternative for those seeking a rich, round, wellbalanced yet softer style wine. A great companion to food, this wine will continue to mature gracefully for many years. Richly flavored and with great concentration, this wine illustrates the great potential of the Canterbury Vineyard.
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