12 Bottle Case Bella Grace Cracked Egg Amador Viognier 2023 w/ Shipping Included

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When we first unloaded our new 6,000lb concrete egg - Charlie Havill accidently dropped the egg right off the forklift! After inspection, we realized we missed near-disaster of the Humpty Dumpty style and scrambled to get the egg upright. With only superficial cracks, the egg works as designed! With Charlie as the rooster & the machinery to represent the forklift - every detail of this vintage & label tells the story.

Wine Tasting Notes
The 2023 Cracked Egg Viognier is loaded with aromas of lemon peel, fresh Asian pear, honey suckle and guava. Bright and lively on the pallet, this is a wine that will pair well with most any fish meal but certainly is one that can be enjoyed by itself. Silky smooth and juicy, flavors of key lime pie and lemon curd dominate from front to back making it a wine that is very approachable and easy to drink.

100% Viognier

Alcohol 13.2%
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