Bib & Tucker 12 Year Old Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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90+ Point Wines


This award-winning bourbon is distinctly American in that it forges a path all its own. To create its singular flavor profile, we age it for 12 years in the hills of Tennessee and choose not to chill-filter as is popular with many bourbons. This gives us an even greater depth of flavor going into the bottle. Incredibly well balanced, it's a standout bourbon for moments that are to be remembered. 12 Years in the barrel unlocks an amazing amount of flavor in the whiskey.
  • AROMA - Leads with the scent of vanilla layered with sweet roasted corn, toasted oak, and pipe tobacco.
  • PALATE - Starts with a velvety entry marked by a hint of well-balanced sweetness. It fulfills the promise of its nose before evolving into a warm, slightly dry, cocoa covered mid-palate.
  • FINISH - Enrobes the senses with a rich, warming, and full-bodied finish of spicy cedar and kettle corn.
  • 99 Proof
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