Bread & Butter California Chardonnay 2022

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Wine Tasting Notes
The color is a daybright, golden yellow with bright flashes of brilliance. The Bread & Butter California Chardonnay develops like a story in the glass as you let it breathe. It begins with a combination of bright butterscotch and lemongrass. Then the notes of cream and lemon meringue pie begin to rise to the surface and are joined with toast, smoke and vanilla flavors from the oak. Floral and canned peach aromas develop last. When it all comes together, it's magic. Let the wine open up to wonderful flavors of peach, lemon zest, papaya, banana, and honeysuckle. Then buttered popcorn and vanilla oak characters emerge from the background to soften the fruit. There is a great balance of acidity and richness that makes Bread & Butter both refreshing and decadent.
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