Buena Vista North Coast Chardonnay

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Buena Vista North Coast Chardonnay

Tasting Notes:
This Chardonnay from Buena Vista's North Coast vineyards offers aromas of apple, pear, and citrus, with a touch of vanilla and oak. On the palate, it is medium-bodied, featuring flavors of ripe fruits like green apple and peach, complemented by a smooth, creamy texture and a balanced acidity. The wine finishes with a touch of minerality and subtle hints of spice.

  • Varietal Composition: 100% Chardonnay
  • ABV: Approximately 13.5%
  • Food Pairings: Pairs well with seafood, roasted chicken, and creamy pasta dishes.

About the Winery:
Buena Vista Winery is one of California's oldest wineries, known for producing wines that reflect the rich heritage and diverse terroirs of the North Coast region.

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