Calumet Farm Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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MSRP: $74.99
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Calumet Farm Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey is distilled and aged in Kentucky - the heart of bourbon & horse country. It is aged in deeply charred (#4) oak barrels, then hand selected for premium quality. It is carefully crafted into a bourbon worthy of carrying the name of one of the most prestigious horse racing farms in all of history.
  • Color: Deep mahogany with bright honey highlights
  • Nose: Sweet notes of caramel and butterscotch are forward
  • Taste: Smooth accents of banana bread and light brown sugar mix well with a smokey char flavor
  • Finish: Delicate and sweet with a round finish, approachable and lingers long on the palate
86 Proof
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