Compass Box Nectarosity Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

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Compass Box Nectarosity Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

Compass Box's Nectarosity is a meticulously crafted blended Scotch whisky that harmoniously combines honeyed fruit and toasted oak notes, exemplifying the artistry and alchemy of fine whisky blending.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Zesty with honey, poached pears, nectarine, and lychee.
  • Palate: Juicy apricot and pineapple excite the palate, followed by toffee, vanilla, and butterscotch sauce.
  • Finish: Lasting flavors of cinnamon bun.

Production Details

  • Alcohol Content: 46% ABV.
  • Presentation: Natural color and non-chill filtered.

Serving Suggestions

  • Neat or with a Splash of Water: Enjoy straight or with a splash of water to fully appreciate its intricate flavors and aromas.
  • Cocktails: Adds depth and sophistication to classic whisky-based cocktails.

Nectarosity brings an irresistible dynamism to any setting, making it a versatile addition to both personal collections and social gatherings.

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