12 Bottle Case Crowded House Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 (New Zealand) w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $294.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
The Crowded House Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc offers a delightful combination of refreshing crispness and a dry finish, making it an exceptional choice. This wine from Marlborough not only satisfies the taste buds but also provides incredible value for money, making it a worthwhile investment for wine enthusiasts.

The Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc from Crowded House showcases a deliberate and controlled mineral essence that intertwines with luscious citrus notes, hints of tropical fruit, and a touch of crushed thyme. On the palate, it bursts with the vivacity of white nectarine and passionfruit coulis, concluding with a classic, invigorating crispness that embodies the renowned Marlborough style.
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