Dom Perignon Champagne Brut Cuvee 2015 Rated 97JS

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90+ Point Wines


James Suckling Review
Rated 97
A super-complex Champagne with chewy tension. Aromas of coffee beans, lemon peel, burnt sugar, chalky minerality, barley candy and tarte tatin. Fine pinprick bubbles with flavors of lemon leaves, aspirin and Mirabelle plums, plus a touch of grapefruit bitterness keeping the tension. Zesty yet integrated chewy acidity and a medium body with a toasted finish. Drink of hold.

Wine Tasting Notes
Combining intensity, contained tautness and extreme contradictions, the Dom Perignon Vintage 2015 blend reveals a unique structure, resonating to the rhythm of controlled energy, channelled by an acidity and bitterness that burst forth magnificently. The nose is full and varied, mingling flowers with fruit, and the vegetal with the mineral. The bouquet is tactile, subtly enticing us along a trail of powdery white flowers and nectareous apricot, followed by the freshness of rhubarb and mint and the minerality of ash. White pepper. Energy dominates on the palate. After a welcoming opening, the wine quickly becomes vibrant and then literally explodes with a surge of effervescence and tonicity. Focused by acidic and bitter notes, the finish brings a penetrating tautness marked by ginger, tobacco and toasted accents.
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