Domaines Schlumberger Alsace Riesling Les Princes Abbes 2019

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Wine Tasting Notes
The wine is lemon yellow in color with green reflections of good intensity. The disk is bright, limpid and transparent. The wine has a youthful quality. The nose is frank, pleasant and distinguished. It gives out a dominant of mature fruity scents, of citrus fruits, candied lemon, as well as a slightly floral hint. Airing remains on citrus fruits, delicately enhanced. The nose is marked by a good typicity, delicate and fresh, and the grapes display a beautiful maturity. The onset in the mouth is moderately ample. The alcoholic base is present; one evolves on a fresh and edgy medium. The range of flavors is marked by citrus fruits, candied lemon, lemon peel, and delicately spicy ginger. The finish offers a moderate length and a sharp vivacity.
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