Drumshanbo Gunpowder Brazilian Pineapple Irish Gin 750ml

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MSRP: $47.99
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Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple 750ml

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple is a unique fusion of traditional Irish gin craftsmanship and exotic Brazilian pineapple. This expression combines the signature botanicals of Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with the sweet and tangy notes of Brazilian pineapple, resulting in a vibrant and refreshing spirit.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Inviting scents of fresh citrus and tropical pineapple, complemented by subtle herbal undertones.
  • Palate: A harmonious blend of juniper and oriental botanicals, enhanced by the sweetness of Brazilian pineapple and a hint of gunpowder tea.
  • Finish: Smooth and refreshing, with lingering notes of exotic fruit and a gentle spice.

Serving Suggestions

Enjoy this gin over ice, paired with a premium tonic water, and garnished with a slice of fresh pineapple or a twist of lime. Its tropical profile also makes it an excellent base for creative cocktails.

Additional Information

  • Proof: 86 (43% ABV)
  • Bottle Size: 750ml

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Brazilian Pineapple offers a delightful twist on a classic gin, infusing it with tropical flavors that transport you to exotic locales with each sip.

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