Educated Guess Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2019

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United States


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Wine Tasting Notes
Educated Guess Sonoma Coast Chardonnay is 100% barrel fermented and is all about balance. The cool coastal influence provides rich acidity and delicious tropical fruit flavors, while the barrel fermentation lends itself to creamy toasted notes of spice and vanilla. Very food friendly and crowd pleasing!
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2 Reviews

  • 5
    Educated Guess got it right

    Posted by Elijah on May 2nd 2019

    Just the right amount of butter impact, and good fruit flavors. Lovely notes of vanilla and a smooth finish :)

  • 5
    Example of a Great Chard

    Posted by Fraya B. on May 2nd 2019

    Take it from a Chardonnay lover, this is good stuff. They are right about the butter not invading the palate, their method of mixing barrel and steel fermenting must have done something right!!

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