Educated Guess EG by Educated Guess California Cabernet 2019

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Wine Tasting Notes
This EG by Educated Guess California Cabernet Sauvignon is sourced from two exceptional vineyards in Northern California: Crimson Ridge Vineyard in Lake County, and a historic family vineyard in Lodi famous for growing exceptional Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Sirah. This wine showcases Cabernet Sauvignon's versatility, highlighting both fantastic winegrowing regions. A bright, fruit forward wine with supple tannins makes this a crowd pleaser. Petite Sirah contributes beautiful color and spice, while splashes of Petit Verdot and Malbec round out the mouthwatering finish.

82% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Petite Sirah, 2% Petite Verdot, 2% Malbec

Alcohol 14.1%
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