12 Bottle Case Falesco Vitiano Rosso Umbria IGT 2020 (Italy) Rated 92JS w/ Shipping Included

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James Suckling Review
Rated 92
A rich and caressing red with purple fruit and hints of dark chocolate as well as flowers. Medium body. Fresh and lively with energetic fruit at the end. Lots of primary fruit. Drink now.

Wine Tasting Notes
The Falesco Vitiano Rosso Umbria IGT is a wine that is ready to drink upon release. The Cotarella family focuses on the expression of youthful and easy drinking red wine, with explosive and succulent aromas. Rich in polyphenols, this wine also has a balanced freshness and well integrated acidity. Versatile, innovative and enjoyable by the glass, this wine will also pair well with a wide array of domestic and international cuisine.
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