Foursquare Crisma Barbados Rum Cream 700ml

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MSRP: $43.99
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CRISMA is made with a blend of genuine 3 year aged Barbados Rum from the Foursquare Rum Distillery, Jamaican Coffee and Cream sourced from Holland. Bottled at 17% ABV (34 Proof), from one of the most renowned rum distilleries in the world. Each bottle bears the manufacturing and best by dates - shelf stable - but to maintain best quality and taste, recommended to refrigerate after opening.

Initial Impressions: Extremely smooth, creamy and delicious. Would easily make for a fantastic after dinner drink, exceptional in coffee. Rich notes of butterscotch and caramel carry from the nose, to the palate and make for a delightful sip wanting to go back for more.
  • Aroma: Vanilla, butterscotch candies, caramel and milk chocolate with a hint of chocolate covered cherries and mint.
  • Palate: Smooth and creamy character - notes of butterscotch, coffee with cream, subtle spices, vanilla, and rich milk chocolate.
  • 30 Proof
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