Frank August Case Study: 03 Winter Cover Rye Whiskey 750ml

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Frank August Case Study: 03 Winter Cover Rye Whiskey 750ml

Product Description

Frank August Case Study: 03 Winter Cover Rye Whiskey is a premium rye whiskey crafted with meticulous care, showcasing a unique blend of flavors that evoke the essence of winter.

  • Aroma: Opens with rich aromas of caramel, vanilla, and spices, complemented by hints of dried fruit and oak.
  • Palate: Smooth and well-rounded, featuring flavors of toffee, cinnamon, and a touch of pepper, balanced by a creamy texture.
  • Finish: Long and warming, with lingering notes of spice and sweet oak.

Varietal Composition and ABV

  • Varietal Composition: Rye Whiskey
  • Proof: 106.25 Proof (53.125% ABV)

Serving Suggestions

Enjoy Frank August Winter Cover Rye Whiskey neat, on the rocks, or as the base for classic whiskey cocktails. Its rich and complex profile makes it perfect for sipping by the fire or sharing with friends during the colder months.

About Frank August

Frank August is known for its dedication to quality and craftsmanship in producing exceptional whiskeys. Each bottle is crafted with attention to detail, ensuring a premium experience for whiskey enthusiasts.

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