G Fifty Junmai Ginjo Genshu Sake 300ml

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Wine Tasting Notes
Premium, full strength, and American craft. The result of ideas and flavors of the past meeting a dynamic innovative present, g fifty brings joy to the sake enthusiast and sake-intrigued, as well as spirit and cocktail lovers across the country. By using customary Japanese traditions and equipment but also experimenting with big and bold layered flavors, g fifty is complex yet smooth, and harmoniously melds Japanese and American cultures and tastes. g fifty differs from its predecessor, g joy, by utilizing different yeast strains and increasing the polish level to 50%, taking the aroma and flavor expressions of this Junmai Ginjo sake to new heights. g fifty is wonderful served neat or on the rocks. Alternatively, try it as a cocktail base; the soft texture blends seamlessly with fruit juice mixes and provides a smooth alternative to the rougher edges of harder spirits.

Medium dry on the palate, featuring a silky texture with subtle notes suggestive of nectarine, grape, and pear with a balanced finish.
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