Hanzell Sonoma Chardonnay 2018 Rated 95JS

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90+ Point Wines


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James Suckling Review
Rated 95
Beautiful apple and crushed stone with white pepper and lemon curd on the nose. Full-bodied with layers of fruit and creamy, light yogurt undertones to the tangy dried-citrus aftertaste. Rich, lively and complex. Solid and structured. Very drinkable now, but better after 2024 and beyond.

Wine Tasting Notes
Hanzell Sonoma Chardonnay with fresh fruit aromas of green pear, green apple, Meyer lemon, honeysuckle, grapefruit and a note of tropical fruit abound from the glass. Bright citrus, orange oil and mango combined with pear and hints of graham cracker and honey leave a lasting impression with the long, mouthwatering finish. Beautiful in its youth, this wine will be a pleasure to revisit for decades to come!
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