High N' Wicked Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

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MSRP: $79.99
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High N' Wicked Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey is made from a mash of 95% Rye, and 5% Malted Rye.

Aroma: Caramelized apples and peaches, dark cherries, orange peel, baking spices - cinnamon, clove and a hint of allspice, caramel candies, fresh cracked black peppercorns, dark cocoa, white pepper and a touch of dill.

Palate: Full and layered with nice bold character. Entry is full flavored - highlighted by delicate sweetness evoking caramels and honey that evolves quickly into spice notes, immediately indicative of Rye. Cinnamon, peppercorns, and a touch of chili pepper heat. This finishes out with characters of apple, peach, dark cocoa and nutmeg - clean and vibrant with a nice lingering mouthfeel.

90 Proof
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