Horse Soldier Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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MSRP: $84.99
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Horse Soldier Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Horse Soldier Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey is a premium, hand-crafted bourbon created with a carefully selected blend of small-batch barrels. This whiskey offers a rich and complex flavor profile, making it an excellent choice for those who enjoy a bold yet smooth bourbon.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aromas of toasted oak, caramel, and vanilla with hints of spice.
  • A rich palate featuring flavors of dark chocolate, honey, and dried fruit.
  • Subtle notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and roasted nuts add depth and complexity.
  • A long, warm finish with lingering oak, spice, and sweet undertones.

Additional Information:

  • Proof: 95 (47.5% ABV)
  • Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Distillery Information: Horse Soldier Bourbon is proudly crafted by U.S. Special Forces veterans, with a commitment to quality and tradition. The Small Batch Bourbon reflects their dedication to creating exceptional whiskey, blending select barrels to achieve a perfectly balanced flavor profile. Whether sipped neat or used in cocktails, this bourbon is ideal for those who appreciate a fine, handcrafted whiskey.

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