Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 (New Zealand) Rated 95 DOUBLE GOLD

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New Zealand
90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $24.99
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Los Angeles International Wine Competition Results 2024
Rated 95

Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023

Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 is a vibrant and zesty white wine that epitomizes the renowned Marlborough region of New Zealand. This Sauvignon Blanc is known for its crisp acidity and refreshing flavors, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts.

  • Aroma: Opens with intense aromas of passionfruit, lime, and citrus, complemented by notes of fresh herbs and tropical fruits.
  • Palate: Crisp and lively, featuring flavors of pineapple, mango, and green apple, balanced by a refreshing acidity.
  • Finish: Clean and lingering, with vibrant citrus and a touch of minerality.

Varietal Composition and ABV

  • Varietal Composition: 100% Sauvignon Blanc
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 13%

Food Pairings

Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc pairs beautifully with seafood, salads, goat cheese, and light poultry dishes. Its bright acidity and fresh flavors make it a versatile wine for various culinary delights.

About Kim Crawford Wines

Kim Crawford Wines is a prestigious New Zealand winery that has gained international acclaim for its exceptional Sauvignon Blancs. The winery focuses on producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of Marlborough. With a commitment to sustainable viticulture and innovative winemaking techniques, Kim Crawford consistently delivers wines that are vibrant, flavorful, and true to their origins.

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3 Reviews

  • 4
    Fruity and green

    Posted by Terry on May 16th 2019

    Very nice on the palate, I can taste the passionfruit. Perfect amount of acidity for me.

  • 5
    New Zealand doing what it does best

    Posted by Alec V on May 16th 2019

    Marlborough and Sauvignon Blanc go hand in hand, so it's pretty obvious this isn't going to be a bad wine. In fact, its the opposite!

  • 4
    pretty good

    Posted by Beth on Apr 3rd 2019

    pretty good wine. light and flavorful. even better when you see the price.

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