King Estate Domaine Willamette Pinot Noir Oregon 2021 Organic Rated 92WE

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90+ Point Wines


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Wine Enthusiast Review
Rated 92
Remarkably light on its feet, the Domaine flashes elevated acidity and a heady aromatic combination of sweet blueberries and a juicy slice of roast beef. Dark raspberry and watermelon fruit flavors are joined by a savory note of sweet corn drizzled with butter. Try serving the Domaine with a nice cup of chili.

Wine Tasting Notes
The King Estate Domaine Willamette Pinot Noir presents an array of captivating scents and rich tastes. Delve into the depths of dark bramble berry, black currant, plum, cocoa, tobacco, cedar, caramel, and baking spice. This Pinot Noir is not for the faint-hearted, as it showcases a bold and complex flavor profile that lingers on the palate. The harmonious blend of bramble berry, vibrant acidity, and alcohol creates a well-balanced and substantial experience, leaving a lasting impression of delightful flavors to relish.
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