Krogstad Festlig Aquavit 750ml

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Krogstad Festlig Aquavit 750ml

Krogstad Festlig Aquavit is a distinguished American interpretation of the traditional Scandinavian spirit, crafted in Portland, Oregon. This aquavit is distilled from naturally gluten-free American grain and infused with a harmonious blend of caraway and star anise, resulting in a bold and flavorful profile.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Prominent notes of anise and licorice, complemented by the earthy spice of caraway.
  • Palate: A robust combination of anise and caraway flavors, with subtle hints of fennel, black pepper, and a touch of cinnamon, creating a spicy and mouthwatering experience.
  • Finish: Long and satisfying, with lingering spice and a clean, crisp conclusion.

Distillery Information

Produced by Krogstad Aquavit, this spirit reflects the distillery's dedication to quality and tradition. The use of American grain and a carefully selected blend of botanicals showcases their commitment to crafting exceptional aquavit.

Additional Information

  • Proof: 80 (40% ABV)
  • Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Krogstad Festlig Aquavit is versatile and can be enjoyed neat, chilled, or as a flavorful substitute in various cocktails, offering a unique and authentic tasting experience.

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