Lion Tamer Napa Red Blend 2022

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Wine Tasting Notes
Lion Tamer is the power of the Napa Valley harnessed. These wines are a pure representation of the winemaker's craft and their ability to tame the unruly tannins of mountain fruit. The name Lion Tamer has become our nickname for Malbec because we use this grape as a blending variety to tame powerful tannins. We lead with Malbec in the blend to develop a softness in the tannins, making this a smooth and seamless wine. These mouthwatering tannins surround the palate, framing complex elements of black cherry, blueberry, and boysenberry with subtle notes of milk chocolate. In crafting this wine, our goal is to achieve perfect balance, with the layered fruit notes concentrated in the mid-palate and enveloped by well-integrated elements of baking spice and oak on the lengthy, elegant finish.

60% Malbec, 15% Zinfandel, 15% Petite Sirah, 6% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Petit Verdot

Alcohol 14.5%
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