Malfy Rosa Pink Grapefruit Italian Gin750ml

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Malfy Rosa Pink Grapefruit Italian Gin

Product Information: Malfy Rosa Pink Grapefruit Italian Gin is a beautifully crafted gin that showcases the bright and vibrant flavors of Sicilian pink grapefruit. Infused with grapefruit peels and other botanicals, this gin offers a refreshing and aromatic profile, perfect for citrus lovers.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aroma: Fresh and zesty with dominant notes of pink grapefruit, balanced by hints of juniper and herbs.
  • Palate: Bright and juicy grapefruit flavors, complemented by a subtle sweetness and classic gin botanicals.
  • Finish: Crisp and refreshing, with lingering citrus notes.

Proof: 82 (41% ABV)

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