Matt Taylor Komorebi Vineyard West Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2018 Rated 95JS

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Product Description

Matt Taylor Komorebi Vineyard West Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2018 is a highly acclaimed wine that captures the essence of Sonoma Coast's unique terroir. Rated 95 by James Suckling, this Chardonnay offers a refined and balanced profile.

  • Aroma: Opens with fresh aromas of citrus, green apple, and pear, complemented by notes of white flowers and subtle oak.
  • Palate: Crisp and elegant, featuring flavors of lemon, apple, and a hint of minerality, balanced by a creamy texture.
  • Finish: Long and refreshing, with lingering notes of citrus and a touch of oak.

Varietal Composition and ABV

  • Varietal Composition: 100% Chardonnay
  • Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 13.38%

Food Pairings

This Chardonnay pairs beautifully with seafood, poultry, creamy pasta dishes, and soft cheeses. Its bright acidity and refined flavors make it a versatile wine for various culinary experiences.

About Matt Taylor Wines

Matt Taylor Wines is dedicated to producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of the West Sonoma Coast. With a focus on sustainable farming practices and traditional winemaking techniques, Matt Taylor crafts exceptional wines that capture the essence of their vineyard origins.

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