McIntyre Estate Santa Lucia Highlands Chardonnay 2018 Rated 90WE

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90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $31.99
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Wine Enthusiast Review
Rated 90
Dried lemon-peel, honeysuckle and kiwi aromas show on the nose of this bottling from renowned viticulturist Steve McIntyre's estate. Brisk flavors of lemon juice and light nectarine meet with hints of underripe pineapple on the sip.

Wine Tasting Notes
Fresh and vibrant, this Chardonnay possesses a zesty core of nectarine, key lime and guava. The palate is creamy and lush with a subtle blast of new French oak shining through the fruit. This memorable Chardonnay really captures the personality and character of our McIntyre Estate Vineyard.
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