McPrice Myers Hard Working Wines High on the Hog Paso Robles Red Wine 2021 Rated 91WS

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Wine Spectator Review
Rated 91
Generous and juicy, with frisky black raspberry and currant flavors accented by roasted sage and savory white pepper. Grenache, Zinfandel, Syrah, Petite Sirah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Mourvèdre. Drink now through 2030.

Hard Working Wines is the second label of McPrice Myers, and is aimed at delivering serious value without sacrificing quality. The packaging is unassuming, and the names are pretty playful, but what's in the bottle really stands out. I'd be happy to enjoy one of these at my dinner table any night of the week.

Wine Tasting Notes
McPrice Myers Hard Working Wines High on the Hog offers delicate lily and cotton candy aromatics, fresh black Tartarian cherries, briar-fruit cobbler, satsuma plum preserves, chocolate covered blueberries, dandelion root tea, muddled spearmint, the palate is soft, sateen, yet energetic, lively, and full of mouthwatering juiciness.

25% Grenache, 25% Zinfandel, 20% Syrah, 14% Petite Sirah, 12% Merlot, 2% Cabernet Sauvignon, 2% Mourvedre

Alcohol 15.2%
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