Menage a Trois Bourbon Barrel Aged California Cabernet

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Wine Tasting Notes
Just when you thought Cabernet Sauvignon couldn't get any better, along comes Menage a Trois Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon. This limited release wine is inspired by the very best of California winemaking and traditional Kentucky craft distilling. With each sip, you'll discover how the process of bourbon barrel aging enhances the Cab's flavors and texture. Subtle notes of vanilla, brown sugar, smoke and spices meld with the full-bodied flavors of the wine for a truly indulgent experience. Aromas of berry cobbler lead to jammy blueberry and blackberry flavors cloaked in caramel and smoky spice on the palate. Beautifully structured with a rich mouthfeel and lingering finish, our Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon takes your relationship with this classic grape to new, thrilling heights.
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