Mount Langi Ghiran Cliff Edge Grampians Riesling 2023 (Australia)

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MSRP: $24.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
The Cliff Edge range is a representation of the exceptional qualities that can be achieved through the combination of carefully selected blocks from our vineyards. It showcases the remarkable intensity, purity, and finesse that are made possible by the unique combination of a cool climate, historic vines, and granite soils at Mount Langi Ghiran. This range consistently delivers wines with breathtaking natural acidity, purity, and balance.

In terms of appearance, the wine displays a clear pale straw color with a subtle green hue, complemented by a water-white rim. On the nose, one can detect vibrant notes of lime and marsh grapefruit zest, accompanied by a delicate hint of white florals.

Moving on to the palate, the wine offers a captivating combination of tension and generosity. The lime sherbet flavors are both invigorating and indulgent, while the finish is marked by the distinctive "Langi" chalkiness that is characteristic of our wines. The acidity present in this wine ensures its ability to age gracefully for several years.

For those who wish to cellar this wine, it can be enjoyed now or aged for up to 10 years, during which time it will continue to develop and evolve.
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