New Riff 6 Year Old Bottled in Bond Kentucky Straight Malted Rye Whiskey 750ml

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New Riff 6 Year Old Bottled in Bond Kentucky Straight Malted Rye Whiskey is a unique and rare style of whiskey that is crafted using 100% malted rye grain. This process of malting enhances and refines the flavor of the rye, resulting in a more polished and subtle taste. Unlike the typical spicy flavor of rye, this whiskey offers a sophisticated and graceful presentation of spice. In fact, it can be considered more of a malted whiskey rather than a rye whiskey.

Aged for a generous six years, this New Riff Malted Rye is the oldest whiskey released by the distillery and serves as a testament to their exceptional portfolio.

With tasting notes that include savory and floral fruit aromas, balanced oak and vanilla flavors, and a plump and rounded palate with elegant spices, this whiskey delivers a complex and layered experience. The finish is characterized by focused spice, including clove and pink peppercorn, which adds to its overall elegance and refinement.

100 Proof
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