Oak & Eden Wheat & Spire Fired French Oak Finished Whiskey 750ml

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Wheat & Spire begins with a remarkably smooth combination of 51% corn, 45% wheat and 4% malted barley. Once distilled, we age our bourbon for two years in new barrels made of American oak producing a rich, deep yet sweet spirit that is a pleasure to imbibe.

Now that our masterpiece is bottled, the work of finishing begins. Unlike traditional finished whiskey, we do not rest our whiskey in a secondary cask, but finish our whiskey in-bottle. We do this by placing a 5" long spiral-cut piece of wood, cut from the same species of wood as the finishing barrel into our bottle. In the Wheat & Spire, we cut a Spire from French Oak, porous and rich, containing nearly twice the amount of natural botanicals as American Oak, creating a rich, fruity, silky finish.

Before we place the spire of wood into the Wheat & Spire, we expose it to fire, toasting the wood to the perfect degree that will produce a finish that is deep and rich with subtle notes of fruit and vanilla.

90 Proof

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