Old Charter Oak French Oak Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

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Aged twelve years at Buffalo Trace Distillery, this bourbon is rich and sweet, drawing its character from barrels made of French Oak. An oak that has long been used for aging the world's finest wine, the tighter grain of French Oak impart more subtle flavors and a silkier texture than its American counterpart. Harvested from the forests of France, the oak barrels that aged this unique bourbon whiskey are honored with each sip. So enjoy this tribute to the French Oak and raise a glass to its storied journey from the forest, to the barrel, to bourbon.

French Oak delivers a nose of vanilla with hints of apricot, cherry, and rose petal. The palate features thick and creamy maple syrup, with the oak flavor coming through. The long finish features chocolate and toasted oak.

92 Proof

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