Old Forester Birthday Bourbon Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 2022 750ml

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The Old Forester Birthday Bourbon Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 2022 is presented at 96 proof. After showing exceptionally unique character during a tasting panel, the 11-year old barrels were chosen specifically for Birthday Bourbon. The full allotment of product represents one day's production of Old Forester.
  • APPEARANCE - Rich Mahogany.
  • NOSE - Begins with caramelized orange peel and cherry fruit softened with vanilla bean, graham cracker atop rich layers of toasted and charred oak brightened with a touch of cedar.
  • PALATE - Subtle fruit flavor transitions into sweet roasted coffee with hints of dark chocolate and a dash of cocoa with toasted and charred seasoned oak character.
  • FINISH - Smooth and light with velvety coffee and mocha notes with lingering dark chocolate character.
  • 96 Proof
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