Platinum 10X Vodka 750ml

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MSRP: $16.99
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Platinum 10X Vodka 750ml

Platinum 10X Vodka is a premium American vodka known for its exceptional purity and smoothness. Distilled ten times from high-quality American grains, it offers a clean and refined taste, making it a versatile choice for various cocktails or enjoying neat.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Subtle hints of grain with a clean, crisp scent.
  • Palate: Smooth and neutral, with a slight sweetness and minimal burn.
  • Finish: Clean and refreshing, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.

Distillery Information

Produced by the Sazerac Company, Platinum 10X Vodka reflects the company's dedication to quality and innovation in spirits production. The meticulous ten-time distillation process ensures a vodka of exceptional clarity and smoothness.

Additional Information

  • Proof: 80 (40% ABV)
  • Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Platinum 10X Vodka is an excellent addition to any home bar, offering versatility for cocktails and a smooth profile for sipping.

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