Querciabella Batar Toscana White Blend IGT 2018 Rated 95DM

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90+ Point Wines


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Decanter Magazine Review
Rated 95
2018 was the opposite of the 2017 vintage. It was cool and fresh with more rainfall and has produced this textbook Batar. Bright green-gold, it's lightly fragrant with orange blossom and neroli notes leading to a very juicy palate. The flavors are full of salty juiciness with exotic fruit, cream and orange rind notes. This is still very young and tightly wound, not yet expressing its full potential - but that potential is great.

Wine Tasting Notes
Querciabella Batar Toscana White Blend is a bright straw-yellow core with golden hues. The bouquet is broad, aromatic and seductive with aromas of acacia flowers, chamomile, yellow peach, yellow plum and melon. Hints of passion fruit and fresh pineapple with light notes of saffron and cedar. On the palate, the wine is voluptuous yet elegant, showing great finesse. The mouthfeel is balanced, supported by great freshness. Tropical fruit repeats on the palate with striking minerality and a very long finish.
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