RAMA by Mario Bazan Napa Cabernet 2019

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MSRP: $59.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
Deep, vibrant red color with a ruby garnet hue. A pleasant combination of red and black fruit notes explode from the glass, integrated with black pepper and clove spice notes. On the palate, this wine enters with lush blackberry flavors along with ripe cherry and red currant notes. It is well balanced and layered, has focused acidity along with the subtle oak flavors that frame the finish quite well. This wine complements a broad range of roasted and grilled meat and fowl, While a pleasure to enjoy in the near term, 4-6 years in the bottle will enhance the bouquet, structure and flavor to even greater heights.

94% Cabernet, 4% Petit Verdot, 2% Cabernet Franc

Alcohol 14.5%
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