6 Bottle Case Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico DOCG 2020 w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $224.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico DOCG shows ruby red with garnet hues. The bouquet is typical for Chianti Classico wines with inviting floral and fruity notes intertwining with the spicy touch deriving from the long ageing period in oak barrels. Notes of plums and cherries are followed by hints of sweet tobacco and cocoa, creating an elegant and long-lasting bouquet. The taste is very well-balanced and features all the virtues of oak aged Sangiovese. The tannins are sweet and velvety, the acidity is inviting and fragrant and the fruity notes lead towards a long, delicious aftertaste of berry fruits and cassis. Elegant and medium-bodied, the palate is characterised by sweet notes of mature fruit which blend beautifully with the soft tannins and the acidity. The after-taste is typical for Sangiovese with hints of hazelnuts and leather.
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