Russell's Reserve 15 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon 2024 750ml

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Russell's Reserve 15 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon 2024

Tasting Notes: Russell's Reserve 15 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon is a luxurious and complex bourbon, aged to perfection.

  • Aroma: Rich caramel, vanilla, toasted oak, and hints of dried fruit and spices.
  • Palate: Full-bodied with deep flavors of toffee, dark chocolate, and spice, complemented by a touch of leather and oak.
  • Finish: Long and smooth, with lingering notes of oak, spice, and a subtle sweetness.

Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 117.2 Proof (58.6% ABV)

Serving Suggestions: Enjoy neat, on the rocks, or with a splash of water to fully appreciate its depth and complexity.

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