Scapegrace Black New Zealand Dry Gin 750ml

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Scapegrace Black New Zealand Dry Gin 750ml

Scapegrace Black is a distinctive gin from New Zealand, celebrated as the world's first naturally black gin. Its unique color is derived from a blend of botanicals, including aronia berry, butterfly pea flower, saffron, pineapple, and sweet potato. When mixed with tonic water or other acidic mixers, the gin transforms from black to a vibrant purple-pink hue, creating a memorable visual and sensory experience.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aromas: Resinous juniper with dry earthy notes and a touch of tropical sweetness.
  • Palate: Full-bodied floral character with a menthol-like crispness, balanced citrus, and a hint of spice.
  • Finish: Candied sweet potato and pineapple, providing a luxurious, velvety mouthfeel.

Additional Information:

  • Proof: 83.2 (41.6% ABV)
  • Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Distillery Information: Scapegrace Distillery, located in New Zealand, is renowned for its innovative approach to gin production. Using a 19th-century John Dore whisky still and water from New Zealand's Southern Alps, Scapegrace Black combines tradition with creativity, producing a gin that stands out for its unique flavor profile and striking appearance. Ideal for visually stunning cocktails, this gin brings a fresh twist to classic botanicals.

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