Shaw + Smith Adelaide Hills Riesling Australia 2022 Rated 95JS

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90+ Point Wines
MSRP: $34.99
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James Suckling Review
Rated 95
Hand-picked and whole-bunch pressed, as is the wont here. The skin-inflection confers textural intrigue and considerably more complexity than otherwise. Fresh and chew, here. Super-intense of flavor. A lather of lime blossom, green apple slushy and jasmine cascade along a chalky beam of acidity. Long and pliant. Very impressive, boding well for an extremely bright future. Drink or hold.

Wine Tasting Notes
Shaw + Smith holds a deep appreciation for Riesling and is confident in the Adelaide Hills' ability to create exceptional examples with the potential to age gracefully. The Shaw + Smith Adelaide Hills Riesling is a sophisticated and textured wine, showcasing a perfect balance of intensity and finesse. Its vibrant acidity and rich extract are certain to captivate enthusiasts of Riesling. Notes of citrus zest, red apple skin, and yuzu leave a lasting impression. This wine has the capacity to evolve beautifully with careful aging for a period of up to 15 years.
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