Shenk's Homestead Kentucky Sour Mash Whiskey 2022 750ml

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Shenk's Homestead Distillery Sour Mash Whiskey honors the legacy of historic American whiskey figure John Shenk, who in 1753 founded a distillery that was to become known as Michter's in the 20th Century. It is made in Kentucky according to the traditional Sour Mash process whereby a portion of the previously distilled whiskey mash (referred to as "setback") is added into the next batch. This full-bodied small batch whiskey.
  • Appearance: A rich chestnut hue.
  • Nose: Honey, cherry oak, and a slight minty-ness with orange zest.
  • Palate: Luxurious, round mouthfeel, caramel and burnt sugar with a light smokiness upfront and exotic spice at mid-palate.
  • Finish: A long one, exhibiting the whiskey's depth of flavor.
  • 91.2 Proof
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